Monday, July 02, 2007

Twisted Sister Flower Tower

Installation of this grand piece of lawn art pottery took place this morning, before the mister even had his breakfast. There was a pressing need to grab the neighbor (Dave-the-potter-down-the-hill) before he headed off to town, as it took 2 strong men to move the tower from the back of the pick-up. and here it is in it's place:
TS flower tower1P7020084
and Dave, who knows all about pottery, pronounced it a truly fine piece of pottery (and... how'd they do that???)


Angi said...

That's really cool!

Carolyn said...

Now all that is missing to make it "truly yours" is a crayon colorway of flowers filling it.
Seriously, though, that is one cool planter.

Lynne said...

Tower of Power! Twist the night away! xxx