Tuesday, August 14, 2007

back from Boise

I know the dogs have gotten a lot of space lately, but they are so damn cute i just can't help myself... or as my granddad would say.. "Ah cain't hep it". I bought each of them a bright little scarf at the Boise Saturday/Farmers' Market esp. for them to wear when they go on their morning walk with Jim.
meika and tasha's new scarves P8140035
tasha P8140037meika P8140039

i had a really lovely time in Boise with Anna.. and the time just flew by and in no time at all we had used up a whole week. now i'm home and exhausted... marathon shopping and good times will do that to ya! will elaborate tomorrow, but for now will crash and sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do so love a dawg with style!