Thursday, December 06, 2007

finished projects .. and ravelry

i'm having trouble navigating in ravelry to put finished projects up.... so, here's a couple for my blog instead!
I finished these mitts (sis-ternal, since they are "girly", rather than fraternal), my usual non-identical mode for pairs of socks and mitts.  not sure if they are for me... or who.
and the denim vest/jacket is finally finished for Robin, i'm happy to say.  she wanted one like mine... a vest with handknitted sleeves sewn in, making it a warm and fun jacket to wear!  hope she likes it.
so, whew, 2 projects finished!!


Carolyn said...

Awesome jacket, Sandy!!
Did the vest already have the knitted collar and armhole opening finishing?
That's a great transition into your marvelous knittng!

Stephanie said...

I recieved the Twisted Sisters Knit Sweaters for Xmas. Read it all the way thru last nite while my husband watched the Beavers play.This morning I looked up NW Wools and found a map. I keep a book to give me options up and down the I-5!! The vest with knitted sleeves is great! I've been looking in the thrift shops for a denim jacket to embelish but this is much better. I would like to try it for my friends b-day but that's only 12 days away so I better stick to a pair of socks! I am starting a blog- feltfrenzy. Hope to have it up and running this weekend. Thanks for sharing you work. I love to see what others are doing.

Sweet Home, OR