Several Twisted Sisters came with their spinning wheels and/or knitting projects. Although this was a "no gift" event, they did bring this wonderful ceramic plaque to me, and it couldn't have been more appreciated... or more appropriate. i will treasure it always. Leaving the twisteds is one of the very sad things about this move we are about to make. they have all been a very important piece of my life for a very long time and i'll miss them dearly!! We've shared many of those "life moments"... triumphs, losses, births, weddings, an adoption, and lots of parties and Black Sheep Gatherings.
My best friend for 35 years, Anna, came from Boise for the party... a day early and got pressed into pre-party preparations, including mopping floors. Now that is friendship, wouldn't you say?
Anna, Pam and Larry on the patio....
I finished the scarf which began with the 2 entrelac pieces and finally evolved into something.
Anna and i posed with the scarf.
Kate's new Louet Julia was delivered here last week and she put it together and got to spinning as soon as she could!
lovely sunflowers.... my most favorite flower....
which Pam brought from Friday Harbor.
Zylie was fascinated by the bobbins. I wonder if that's any indication she'll be a spinner....
there are a few more photos which I'll put up later. What a great 70th birthday party it was! and i can't begin to put all the fun into words on a blog!
I wasn't sure where to email you, so I thought I would leave a comment! I went to nw wools and found out you retired from dyeing! I'm so sad! Right away I stocked up on the fiber that was there. I was kicking myself for not coming down to BSG. I have two bins full of fiber, one devoted just to yours! If you plan on dyeing again or selling your fiber anywhere will you please tell me? Thanks for bringing so much color in to my world!
knittedwit at gmail dot com
Funny thing *that*. I was walking down to the barn to do morning milking and got to thinking about "it must be time for Queenie's Bday" and just how much younger you are then me
Then now with a few moments to spare I logged on and low and behold. The best is yet to come my friend. The years may not have been many, but I count you as one of my dearest friends!
d' Princess
Lorajean - thanks so much for your comments! I'll send you a private message.
Terry - email me! the address i have for you isn't a current one!
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