Sunday, August 17, 2008


a strange week in my queendom, it was!  besides heat in the 100s several days (as my mom would have said "hotter than the hinges at high noon in hell"), there's been no peaceful tranquility aura here.  Dave-the-potter-from-down-the-hill got hired by Jim to help on the numerous finish it up projects around here.  my advice -- never move into a house before it is absolutely totally completely finished!!  anyway, it's quite unsettling to have power cords and saws and a compressor and ladders and sawdust (get the picture??) and ungodly noises filling my queendom!  and then, to have sweltering heat outside makes going anywhere a poor option.  i do believe that a whine is helpful at times, so i did and now i feel better.  it helped that saturday came along and Dave went to seattle for a few days, so there is only one saw and hammer-wielding man here for a few days... and he "needs" to take a break occasionally to watch an olympic event.

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