thanks to Lewis Carroll: "And, has thou slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, by beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! He chortled in his joy!" and a joyous day it is... for everyone on the planet. After we took over the sofa and tv at Elena and Toine's house, we spent the entire night watching the election returns on CNN. Finally, at 6am 11/5 here, Barack Obama was declared the winner... we are all winners now! We walked home about 9a.m. and slept for a few hours. there's joy ... and hope in my heart!
the phot0 and note above came from our friends Elena and Toine, in congratulations on our presidential election! Barack Obama was the choice of everyone we've talked to in Europe! they are happy, too!!
A joyous day, indeed! Hope springs . . .
The magic of Camelot well grounded in reality, trust and hard work to come. Dare we hope again?
So many false starts in the last 30 years-so many possible new beginnings.
But this one different, this one is not draped in idealism but well thought out in unity.
We Shall Overcome!
Yes, truly a joyous day! Yours was the first Bush countdown I saw and I've returned many times to your site to remind myself, "this too will end." And it has. Thanks for having the courage to post the ticker and for the increments of hope it provided.
fibercrone (Ravelry)
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