On Tuesday, we got a call from Sonia saying she's in town for surgery. this was a huge surprise as she and Ryan have been in the Peace Corp in Burkina Faso, Africa for over a year. the short version is that they were in a bus accident 6 months ago, Ryan's shoulder got messed up and Sonia's hip was broken, Peace Corp flew them to So. Africa to get fixed, when Sonia went for her 6 month check-up a couple of weeks ago they found that she is still broken, so sent her home for another surgery which she had yesterday. the photos here are from tuesday night when Sonia came out for dinner (it was Jim's night to cook and it was lovely!!) Since what they eat in their village in Africa bears very little resemblance to what they were used to at home, Ryan encouraged her to eat lots of the foods she loved and drink some "estate" wine. She's been workin' on that. We did what we could to help. and took some photos for Ryan.... and here are some of them: top down - broiled salmon and veggies, chips and salsa, Sonia and our dogs, and a toast to Ryan!
Hope you enjoy the photos, Ryan. We'd have loved seeing you, too!!

You're killing me with these photos. THANK YOU! Looks like you had a lovely meal. So good to see the dogs too. But no pictures of Jim or Sandy?
glad you like 'em!! check flickr... there's more of them there!
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