Monday, March 12, 2012

another week scoots on by

another week in my queendom filled up with variety and fun...

did more on the latest quilt and now i have all the blocks finished!  bravo!  and no 2 are alike, far as i can tell.  now to do sashings and borders and putting all together and quilting. i think the reason i've enjoyed this one is that each 8X8 block is its own little adventure in piecing.  and i'm totally in love with the ombre fabric that goes from deep purple to brilliant yellow.  i need more of that.

on wednesday i took my beautiful niece, Maggie, to lunch at Hands On Cafe to celebrate her month of birthday.  she decided long ago that March, her birthday month, was to be celebrated every day!  brilliant!

on thursday we had tickets to a play at Portland Center Stage... the matinee.  when we got there we found that it had been cancelled due to someone's illness.  from there we went out to Kaiser Sunnyside hospital to see Pam who had unexpectedly had surgery and is now without her rotten old gallbladder.  she's not thrilled about it at the moment.... but will be very happy in a few weeks!

somewhere in the past week we had a couple of sunny days and i got a bunch of plants and bushes pruned, admired the blooming violets, primroses and helebore and spent a few minutes up close with the moss on the pear tree.  had never taken the time to notice how soft moss is and what a lovely and delicate growing pattern it has.  try it sometime....

and Fred the giant recycled metal rooster is in his place now, guarding the gate to the garden.

moss on pear tree

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