finally, i put together the 2 pieces of entrelac and 2 pieces of mitered squares. there are 2 sections with intarsia and a couple of areas of just garter stitch plain. there is a possibility that i may put some kind of border on it... but this sucker is l-o-n-g, and the thought of borders on both sides is rather daunting! it feels SO luscious with all those different yarn blends (merino with tencel or silk or alpaca) mmmmmm. Entrelac is such fun to knit that i'll probably do a project with it again... maybe socks?
edited: just a little addition since it's been so long since i first talked about this project. In the beginning, (besides light) I had some lovely sock weight yarn of various fiber blends dyed by Lynne Vogel and Lori Lawson and me, and I just started out knitting some entrelac just because it's fun to knit! and pretty soon i had 2 pieces knit, plus a piece of mitered squares. i had no idea at the time what i'd make ... so put it in the basket with the yarn and went on to other things. it got pulled out occasionally, admired, wondered over as to what it would become... then returned to the basket. it went to BSG with me because i knew Lori would have some ideas/suggestions for a project using these random pieces of knitting, and of course she did! she said it would make a wonderful scarf or shawl, so i started... and this is the result after picking up stitches and attaching the pieces together with some garter stitch and intarsia in between. there were a helluva lot of ends to deal with in finishing it, but i forced myself to do it right away rather than put it back in the basket! bravo for me! it's finished!! and i'm ready to start another entrelac project... when i decide just what it will be.
That is incredible! Did you spin all of it or dye the yarn? The colors are amazing.
Your scarf is really awesome! I just finished my own entrelac scarf I just need to block it before putting up any photos. I finished mine off with a simple single crochet border. I think it really helped to bring the whole thing together!
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