Yes, I had the great fortune of meeting up with a group of spinners and knitters while visiting my semi-son Soren in Sonderborg, Denmark. I had asked him to find a yarn store(s) for me to visit and he came up with a really good one, which we visited the first day we were here.... and i bought some wonderful Danish-made yarn!! One of the yarns was made from the Merino wool of the sheep the shop owner used to own. I'll get photos once we are in Crete and settled a bit. Anyway.... we were told about a fiber conference to be held on Saturday, which we couldn't get to, and about the knitting/spinning meeting Monday night at the yarn shop. Soren was determined that i should go to that get-together... and i was delighted that i did. He took me and came in with me to be my interpreter (good job, Soren!!)
We are in Hamburg now for overnight and an early flight tomorrow to Crete. I have lots to write about and will have more about the fiber night in Mjang, Denmark... but right now i'm too tired and scattered to write more. Our time in Denmark has been so special and enjoyable and i feel like i've been wined and dined and just loved to bits! bravo! and what a treat it's been to be with Soren and Pia and their children!
I'm so glad you enjoyed you stay in Denmark.
Hope to see you again in Crete some time soon
Hi Sandy
I find myself so very lucky to meet you too:-) And I know for shure my friends are glad too.
I have been writing about our evening together in Mjang,at the homepage in our spinning community in Denmark.
I wish you all the best, and have a long nice holiday in Crete.
PS. I have to be better in english writing!!
Hug from Kirsten
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