Wednesday, January 18, 2006

new stuff, but nothing fibery

Lynne just started a blog and since she told me how to put links in my blog(!!) here's the link:

i was feeling pretty clueless and pitiful because i could not see the icons she described... then i switched from Safari to IE and still had no luck. finally, thought i'd try the dell, and woohoo... here it is! much as i love my mac, i sure do wish the rest of the world would fall in line here and get behind mac!!! on the other hand, by keeping the brain cells firing with trying to figure out this techie stuff, maybe i am warding off the dreaded alzheimers.

also, received the cds i just ordered from Amazon... The Anonymous 4 (who i recently discovered and fell in love with) American Angels and 1000 A Mass For The End of Time. and both are every bit as glorious as i'd hoped they'd be. i was a bit leery when looking at the titles of the tracks on these because of the religious nature, but love the first one i heard so much (The Origin of Fire) that i decided to take a chance. i'll write more about this music later. headed for bed now..........

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