Thursday, January 20, 2011

a sunny day!

i love this bird feeder!  it's suctioned to the kitchen window and tho it doesn't seem to be the favorite choice, the birds will come to it when the other feeders are crowded.  it's like having a bird's eye view..... oh dear god did i really say that??.... of them from my kitchen window.
it was an unusually sunny and warmish day, so i decided to prune my roses.  of course, got distracted by dead sunflowers stalks and other misc which needed to be pulled up.  spotted a ladybug who did not fly away.  prob. was still too cold for her to be very lively.

also spotted a vigorous looking volunteer poppy which i must remember to protect from he-who-indiscreminately-weeds-the-garden.
and then i found the hellebore which has abundant buds... just needed to pull away the dead clematis vines around it.  love this one!!

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