Friday, August 14, 2009

home from up north

back home now after a lovely visit with the northern bunch of the family.  rode back up there last sunday with Chris and kids after Chris had been here for his 20th HS class reunion.  we stopped in Centralia at the The Old Olympic Hotel, which is one of the McMenamin's renovated historic places, where we had supper.  it is worth getting off I-5 to see it if you are ever in that area.  i've never seen the hotel portion of the building, but it is likely much as it was 100 years ago, but with enough upgrades (like bathrooms and hot water) to make it comfortable.  got to home destination later than we'd expected (10pm) due to the usual awful traffic the further north we got.  time there really flew by.... spent some time fiber dyeing with Kate, picking ripe tomatoes (yummmm), being really amused watching the chickens, (they were thought to be all hens, til Sunshine started crowing and grew an amazing bunch of tail feathers).   these chickens have full run of the property during the daytime, and i guess i'm easily entertained... but i totally enjoyed watching their "dirt bath" ritual, where 6 of them scratched up a patch of dirt and kind of fluffed themselves up and wallowed in it.  too hard to describe and too late tonight to try.  had fun with the kids, played a board game, learned more about pokemon.  spent a lot of the day on Wed. in town at the fabric shop, antique/junk shop, and Greek lunch at the Egyptian restaurant with Kate and Pam.

ate way too much, with the height of decadence pictured below.  Chris grilled up a gourmet treat of pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon weave.... mmmmm, dear goddess, a taste treat for sure!

#1 - before grilling...

#2 - off the grill and disassembled...

#3 - the chef -

#4 - Alex loved it!!

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