Thursday, September 30, 2010


"I wrote the piece below about 10 years ago. I had been working with my Navajo mentor and friend, Annie, and I recognized the preciousness of what she was sharing. Happily that learning continues.

As I heard of The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and recently listened to some of them speak via phone conference, I was again touched by the simple and heartfelt request for Love and Peace to return to our people and the earth.

To these Grandmothers and to all who hold the candle of Remembrance, I offer this:

There was a time when a council of Grandmothers was called to decide if war was imminent.
There was a time when women knew the herbs and the healing rhythms of song.
There was a time when the monthly cycle of blood was honored as the mystery it is,
And a time when menopause was called the "Second Spring".
There was a time when women gathered for support and comfort...
There was a time when the earth was revered.
There was a time we honored all that we took from her,
And did all that we could to remain in harmony.
There was a time we knew we were one people...and then we began to forget.
We are being asked to remember.
The Old Ones are passing.
They hold out their hands.
It is time."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Last Oct. at the Bioneers conforence in San Rafael Donna and I spoke with one of the Grandmothers at the booth. I am reading slowly the book of the Grandmothers Counsel The World. Wonderful!