Wednesday, June 06, 2012


i'm finding that i'm really drawn to quilts that have a gracefulness about them or tell a story... or both.  and that's both for what i enjoy looking at and what i want to make.  also, bright colors.... always winner.  and flowers and trees!  today i'm looking at the quilts here and really enjoying the beauty and intricacies of some of them.  also, feeling a bit smug because i can recognize the work of several quilters... guess i'm spending a lot of time looking and gathering inspiration.  it's kind of like all my knitting books.... rarely do i follow a pattern from any of them, but looking thru them feeds my muse and infuses my inspiration.

this is one i really love by Melody Johnson in TN, who is a very talented artist!  here's her blog.  she quilts, knits,, dyes, gardens, paints and probably lots more stuff!  aren't those colors fabulous together!??

and i'm thinking it's time for me to get back to my almost half-finished quilt from before going to Crete.

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