Saturday, August 11, 2012

random thoughts

and THIS is a baby pomegranate and there's a 2nd one also.  this is exciting!!  (ok... some days it does not take much).  i have since covered both of these babies with a little net bonnet so the deer and birds cannot have their way with these tiny fruits.  stay tuned.  and i do hope to see more than just 2.

we have a lovely big old blueberry bush as an edible landscape element and no matter what i do and don't do as far as pruning, watering, fertilizing, it usually puts on a nice big crop.  some years we have a nice harvest... and then there's years like this one when the birds and the deer have their way (and feast).  this handful is what i managed to harvest..... and then i get blue bird poop on my white patio chairs.  reminds me of the old guy with a big splat of bird poop on his head who looks skyward and whines "what's up with this, Lord?  they sing for everyone else."

and from Pinterest came this, which i like.

from the archives of several years ago when i went with Lynne for a spinning class in Alabama.  that was a really memorable weekend... good fun, good people, lots of good fiber and spinning!

her name if Thelma, but i call her Junior.  my very dear friend Anna sent me this wonderful addition to my garden art and quirky stuff!  i love having a dear friend who feeds my quirkiness even tho it is the opposite of her style.  it's lovely to be appreciated no matter how weird one's leanings.

and my question of the day is:  where the bloody hell are my minions??  just one would be fine, more would be a bonus!  every day there's more stuff around here that i just do not want to deal with.... most of it having to do with dog hair, dust and dirt.  then there's the state of mess and disorganization in pantry and cupboards.  what we need is a general huge big time purge.  and i cannot even contemplate my massive and unfettered stash of yarn and unspun fiber.  i've been on a spinning binge lately... mostly inspired by the wonderful batts i created on Kate's motorized Duncan carder... OH YES!  didn't hold back on the silk, angora, alpaca and it's been such a tactile fibergasmic experience to spin that i've been dyeing more that i found in my studio to stockpile for future carding time.  so, it is obvious that i have no time after fiber and garden and computer and friends and grandkids to spend on uninteresting and totally boring things like dirt and dust and dog hair.  i NEED some minions!

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