Friday, March 02, 2012

current quilt project

 here's some photos of the quilt blocks.  i still have 9 more to make so it will be single bed size.  so far, every block is different and it seems my favorites are the ones with the brilliant yellow to orange ombre.
i need to see if i can find more of that fabric without going all the way back to Lk. Oswego where i originally bought it.  it's getting used up quickly.  am thinking that the sashing will be black and the first border also.  prob. about 1 1/2 inches.

have made 2 blocks that are 8" by 12" instead of 8" by 8" like the others.  will make a couple more of those...  just for variety, doncha know.  i'm loving the brightitude which is helping with my attitude!

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