Thursday, July 12, 2012

garden stuff

view from the garden... little dome and the house.  small part of the solar panel on right side of pic.

this is kind of a "before" photo.  in the foreground are some tomatoes started from seed.  i finally gave up on that nonsense and bought 4 big, healthy, robust tomato plants from the nursery and that's where my garden will come from in the future! part of the problem with starting from seed this year was that they didn't get planted until we returned from Crete in mid-may... that and the crappy rainy cold weather we had til the end of june!  there's still a few clumps of volunteer poppies around as i haven't been pulling them up til i want to plant something there.  i love 'em!

a few days of sun and HOT... and look what happens... the zucchini starts blossoming!

yesterday i decided i needed a garden apron, to have a place to carry clippers and string (or yarn in my case) and miscellaneous other stuff when i'm outside.  so i went shopping in my stash and found this fabric which i originally bought to make pillows which never got made. it is substantial enough to hold up to wear and dirt and abuse, and has enough pattern that it won't show dirt.

another angle trying to show the pockets... still not very clear.

if you want to make one, let me know and i'll write up instructions.  it's SO simple and only took about 2 hours.

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